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At Camino Real Aparthotel, we want our guests to have a pleasant time in the city of La Paz. Therefore, we provide you with information about the altitude, misconceptions and facts; altitude sickness is a particular case of the city of La Paz.

  • El Alto International Airport is located at 4100 m.a.s.l. Arrival by air does not allow any type of preparation or gradual acclimatization prior to landing.
  • In most cases the flight is long, producing fatigue and lack of oxygen (about 86% hypoxia) resulting in a faster heart rate. This is a normal reaction of the body against the change in altitude, more so when you live at sea level or in low-lying areas.
  • If you are not used to regularly arriving to La Paz, you need to spend a quiet first day or rest day to adapt. A short time out before starting your activities, is convenient. During the first 3 days adopt a light diet to encourage a lighter digestion. During the first night you may have trouble sleeping and a headache.
  • La Paz is located between 4100 and 3200 m.a.s.l., you may have to go through this unevenness (of 900 m) one or more times a day.
  • All cases involve permanent ventilatory adaptation. Generally, for those who have not been born in La Paz, life due to altitude, can be tiring for both adults and young people. It is best to avoid alcoholic beverages, tobacco and heavy meals.


  • An athletic person or a person in good physical condition will not have any problem of adaptation to high altitude.
  • One must go to high altitudes to oxygenate better.
  • Do not drink or drink very little liquids to prevent edema.
  • Headache = sunstroke and/or alcoholic beverages.
  • Insomnia is a result of lack of comfort.


  • Drinking plenty of fluids facilitates the adaptation to high altitudes.
  • It is necessary to limit physical efforts during the first three days.
  • Eating heavy meals leads to difficult and slow digestion. Avoid discomfort.
  • For pregnant women it is not advisable to make sudden changes in altitude during the last 3 months of gestation.